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Este blog foi feito no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês, temos o objectivo de aprender mais sobre a lingua em si mas também sobre o tema deste nosso trabalho. Não garantimos que os dados que são publicados estejam completamente correctos. Esperemos que gostem! This blog was made for a workgroup of English class, we want to learn more about the theme and the english language, we don't have the certain that all the information are correct, but hope that you like it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Addiction Technology

The human being has a great need to communicate, so focused on communication technologies are absorbed quickly, leaving people dependent on it without notice, are great examples of this e-mail accounts, the cellular, Chats and programs instant-messaging and MSN.

The dependencies and addictions to technology products, especially information technology, growing increasingly as the presence of these products become common in our daily lives. The main feature of the data is to be a means, a tool for services that were previously performed manually can now be made by machinery safely and efficiently. So with such utility, the action becomes more abundant, so that their products are everywhere facilitating the achievement of certain services, being widely used and consequently generating dependency and addiction.

The defect in certain technologies may be harmful to humans, from small things and can get to be catastrophic. A small example of an injury, that does not have much importance, is the use of remote control. The individual of today is not up on the couch and not moving until the appliance to connect them, everything is on account of many remote controls that help in the service. People begin to become sedentary, without making the least physical exercise, which ends up being detrimental in the future. This may complicate further when people stop going to the house of friends (preferably walking) to keep a conversation in chat rooms, reducing further the performance of physical exercises.

We have to get used to the technological advance, all the time a new technology is developed and people started to use much, will be considered flawed. The speed of technology is changing our biological clock. People want to do everything at the speed of your computer, you want everything to be resolved at a glance. The technology is breaking the boundaries on all sides. People are more impatient than ever. People increasingly depend on technological products. They simply can not imagine life without technology. Not able to cope with the pressure of technology can cause problems with self-esteem.

The dependence on technology means that now you can not live without it. A person who is nervous because they do not have access to technology, or do not remember how did their activities before. We must remember that technology fails, sometimes. Then you start to see people coming in crisis because it ruined the microwave or the computer broke down. There are people who viciaram both in technology that began to lead a normal life outside. They do not know what is relax, go out on vacation, take a day off. Are completely lost. And believe me, it is becoming increasingly common. The machines are dictating the rules.

Australia offers 'best job in world' on paradise island

An Australian state has launched a global search for candidates for "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.

The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (105,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful applicant's home country to Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland's state government announced on Tuesday.

In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, soak up the sun, snorkel the reef, "maybe clean the pool" -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.

The winner, who will stay rent-free in a multi-million dollar three-bedroom beach home complete with plunge pool and golf buggy, must be an excellent communicator and be able to speak and write English.

Portugal workers

By the BBC's Alison Roberts in Lisbon

A Portuguese government study has concluded that the country will need to bring in 22,000 foreign workers by the end of this year to help meet its labour needs.
The study is the first produced by the Institute of Employment under a law that in January laid the basis for Portugal's first ever immigration policy.
Long a country of emigration, Portugal saw the tide turn after it entered the European Union, which has transformed its economy.
Labour shortages, a booming construction sector and the authorities' reputation for turning a blind eye to illegal employment have accelerated the process, attracting tens of thousands of migrants from eastern Europe.

Chinese Gold Farmers Preview

The professions most bizarre of the world

Taster of coffin

The feeling of being inside a coffin must not be very pleasant, but for the coffin of tester is required since this is his work, he usually "die" 30 times a day to see if it is comfortable the last address of deceased.

Cleaner fighter juice

This profession is not the most pleasant, since it is a fighter after that fight is very sweaty, as the fighters are very obese and can not clean the private parts, hire someone to do it.

Sewage diver

Without doubt the most filthy profession that quoted. The sewage diver, an occupation of a city in Mexico, clean the sewage networks, taking the garbage, dead animals, droppings and the like.

Fungier L'Odeur do Suvaqeur

The name can be more complicated the work is not so well, It is only for men and women who test the smell of French perfume in the armpits of people.

The "Fungiers" as they are called, have the smell of armpits every hour, and noted the durability of the perfume, the fragrance, among other things. Usually the "Furgiers" they retire for disability nose, but they can stay for more than 10 years in the profession are called Masters Del odeur!